I purchased a yellow coral banded shrimp yesterday, and today hes sitten in the back of the tank, but hes not displaying his pretty colors out front.......... I was wondering why would he do this? The tank is a 16G its got 2 cleaner shrimp, one that seems to be more agressive towards him, and every now and then they will have a dual. Could that be why hes stayin in back? Other then that theres no other reason........could he just want to aclimate?
Another question, my water has little white specs in it everywhere.... My tank has just finished its cycle, and theres all these white pods on the glass, are they moving to the water? or is it something else? My water prameters are
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 7.5
Alk. 5 deg.
Calcium 450
I dont add any calcium.
Another question, my water has little white specs in it everywhere.... My tank has just finished its cycle, and theres all these white pods on the glass, are they moving to the water? or is it something else? My water prameters are
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 7.5
Alk. 5 deg.
Calcium 450
I dont add any calcium.