yellow coris wrasse


Active Member
i have read in some place that they are reef safe and some places that they aren't, what do you all think, what about a flame wrasse too


Active Member
I wouldn't trust them in a reef environment. Maybe when they're very young they might be ok. Once they start to grow they're going to see your shrimp and crab as meals. Plus, coris wrasses tend to like sand beds to sleep in. Can make a mess as they make and unmake their beds each day. For a reef I'd go with one of the fairy wrasses. Plenty to choose from and they're all beautiful IMHO.


Active Member
I just removed my four spot wrasse (sometimes called silver bellied banana wrasse) from main tank.
It was fine for ages but has now started showing too much interest in hermit crabs.
I saw one in LFS that was double the size of mine and guessed it was only a matter of time b4 the shrimp became dinner.


Active Member
well thanks for the reply and that right there makes my mind up, i like my hermits and shrimp.

nm reef

Active Member
From personal experience a "coris" may be reef safe...but they will deplete your micro infauna...munch snails and crabs...disrupt your sand bed...and in general be a royal PITA....but technically they are reef safe....just not "safe in my reef!!!"
Had a red coris from a 2" juvinile to a 6"-7" sub-adult....the wife bought it(her first and only independant addition)...she'll never buy another creature for the reef and I'll never try another coris wrasse.:cool: