Yellow Cow Fish, horns fell off!

howard shoelson

New Member
Hello. I bought a yellow cowfish who is doing great and eats like crazy, but after a few days, his horns fell off. It doesn't seem to be affecting him, but does anyone know if this is natural and if they will grow back? Thanks.


i have never seen a cowfish lose thier horns but i have seen a store online that sells cowfish without horns. the only thing i can guess is that it wasn;t a longhorn cowfish and probable was some other type but if is doesnt effect him i guess it ok


Yes they will grow back, usually what happens is that they ran into the glass and broke off. This is common, once they get accustomed to the tank they will keep the horns. Do a search on "curious cowfish" there is a 3 part article that will answer just about every question that you have. I have a yellow boxfish and this is where I got the info. You may also want to make your own food for him because he can eat all day.