Yellow eye Kole Tang



Who has one and what does he eat? I've been told they are good for eating hair algae. will they eat that or not?


Most Tangs require algae in their diets and most of them will eat grass algae.


I have never seen my adult 7' kole eat any of my hair algea, It does eat some green micro everynow and then though. I feed mine seweed selects, enriched brine,roe(fish egg),formula 2,plankton and i soak all that in Zoe.


Damn! That is what I thought. My Powder blue and yellow tang won't touch the stuff (lawnmower Blennie included).


Active Member
Hi, we bought a Kole for the hair algea problem we have in our reef and our F/O, he will eat it off the glass, but doesn't really touch it on the rocks, then we bought 2 lawnmower blennys , same thing, they eat it off the glass like crazy but not off the rocks.
Heres something we heard from someone with a large F/O, if you keep your water temp at 77-78 degrees, the hair algea will die and you won't have anymore of a problem with it. We are tring this right now, just added chillers to both tanks, I know the reef can't be kept that low, but the F/O can be, will let you know how it works...Lisa


Active Member
I had a kole for a while... ate hair algae like crazy. Scrubbed the rocks and the CC clean. Great fish... just wish I could find a healthy one at my LFS.


Active Member
Jackson, How are the JRT?
Do you ever shop on-line? Personaly we have much better luck, everything we've ever bought on-line is still living, almost everything we have bought from a LFS we goto has died. Infact I placed 2 orders last night, one from here and one from Jeff's Exotic Fish, this will be the 2nd or 3rd time from here and about the 100th from Jeff's. We bought a Kole tang from them(Jeff's) and he is awesome. Later Lisa <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


we have one he eats the diatom alge off the rock and glass. for feeding he eats flake, pellet, brine, and dried nori. he doesnt eat the hair alge