Flame Polyps
(Zoanthus sp.)
Care Level: Easy
Lighting Requirements: Moderate
Water Flow: Low to Moderate
Aggressiveness: Moderate
Range: Fiji
Family: Zoanthidae
Water Conditions: 74-80° F; sg 1.023-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Notes: These beautiful polyps are easy to keep and are a great choice for the beginner. The colonies we sell will come with orange and green polyps, orange polyps, or a mixture of both. Fiji Polyps will grow and reproduce by budding, when provided with the proper environment.
Place polyps along the bottom half of the aquarium on an exposed rock. Make sure that currents will be able to supply them with necessary nutrients and trace elements. Leave several inches between them and other specimens, as they will usually expand their colony.
Although symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae hosted within them supply most of their nutritional requirements through photosynthesis they do require supplemental feedings. Supplementing their diet with the addition of trace elements, marine snow, phytoplankton, and food for filter feeders will help to insure their continued good health.
Fiji Polyps are shipped as colonies with numerous polyps attached to one rock.