Yellow Fish


I would like to add 1 Yellow fish to my 55g tank. Right now its FOWLR but I am planning on adding corals someday. I have 2 false clowns 2 blue green Chromis and a Royal Gramma and am planning to add a flame angelor a Coral beauty as my last fish. I did have a Yellow Goby but its MIA for 3 wks I think the emerald crab got it. I want a peaseful fish , a Tang would be nice but I know mytank is to small.Any idea?


Active Member
yeap yellow coris , aka canary wrasse are often overlooked, beautiful wrasse with such awesome personality. i just lost mine from a jumping incedent so be sure to protect, but i miss him alot, he was my oldest fish at a year and a half.


Active Member
what about a goldbar wrasse? they are yellow aeent they how bug if a tabkn do they need they are beautiful!