Yellow Leather


Hi All, I got a yellow leather yesterday and today i awoke and it is breaking apart and has some black markings on it. Should i take it out? Thanks


Hi , I introduced the coral for a period of three hours. I use the shot glass method i shot every 3-5 minutes untill i double volume then dump half out and repeat 3 times, then i placed it in the middle of my tank. now i lowered it.
any ideas??


Staff member
Breaking apart? What exactly do you mean? Is it sheading its top skin layer? What are your water readings?
More details regarding the problem would help us. And, if you can post up some pics that would help too.


My water tests are ph 8.2 temp 81 salinity is withing the green range,calcium 350-400, nitrates less than 15, alk is around 8. What i mean is the leather is breaking apart and looks black where it's breaking. No camera it's with my parents... Imagine if you tried to break of peices but did not break all the way.. that's what it looks like. HTH


Ive read that yellows are hard to keep. Was it a toadstool? I ordered a green one online once but got what look like a yellow. It started turning brownish and slowly dissolved away in about 2 weeks. Sorry to hear about your lost.
i just got a yellow on friday, has it polyped out at all? The Tonga Yellows are the poor shippers,a and usually rot within weeks. The Fiji are easier to care for but not as bright yellow as the Tonga. here is a pic of my Fiji Yellow with clowns. Try using a powerhead to brush off dead skin, they love high current and strong lights and sometimes won`t polyp out if they don`t get these both.