yellow margin or titan


i bought awhat was advertised as a titan trigger know it looks like ayellow margin does anyone know how to tell the diffrence and how big do they get


Active Member
Both look very similar, when juveniles...extremely difficult to tell them apart.
First off...what size tank is this Trigger in?
Both the Yellow Margin and Titan will grow to almost 2.5' - 3' long and will decimate anything in the tank with them. I have been harassed/attacked by both, while diving.


i went back to were i got the trigger fist off it was only 20bucks so i was very doubtfull about it being a true titan or ym when i asked they told me it was a pinapple trigger it only grows about 12 they have the same markings as the others i mentoined so far it gets along fine with bursa and sfe i still cant find it in any books or websites the only thing close is ym any info on thisfish i know i shouldnt buy without all info and i usally dont but this was to nice to pass up know any websites with lots of trigger info thanks