yellow polyp colony



I have a yellow polyp colony that I purchased from, and when it arrived I noticed that it had many more polyps on it than what the description noted, and I thought that was great. I have had it for about two weeks now, but my question is this. Is it normal for the colony to lose a couple polyps from time to time? When I say lose, I mean, I sometimes see either the top portion of the polyp lying on the rock beside the rock that the colony is attached to or the entire polyp (or I should say what seems to be the whole thing.) Or, is it possible that something is damaging the polyps (water current, crabs, fish?) I have it positioned where there is moderate water flow, not in front of any powerheads, or water outlets from either my filter or skimmer. I currently have an algae blenny, a percula clown, and a yellow-tail damsel. I also have a cleaner shrimp, about 4 emerald crabs, 10 hermit crabs, and 11 snails. Would any of those animals damage any of the polyps. Just not sure if it's normal for that to happen, or if it is cause for concern. Hopefully, I have supplied enough detail for a conclusive answer. Please, any help is appreciated.


New Member
Everytime I purchase a rock of mushrooms the same thing happens some fly off due to current, while others open wide. I think alot of this has to do with it being shipped and the basically shipped in a plastic bag to my house. I would just monitor it, maybe test you water, or try placing it in diff. current and see if the same problem persists. Don't know if this answers your question but good luck anyways!


I have a colony of yellow polyps that did the same thing. THe first week in the tank a few came off the rock. Nothing wrong with the tank at that time. Two of them floated around the tank and have now attached to other rocks. I think it may have been the current or stress of the move.


New corals to the tank hould start off buy placing the near the bottom of the tank in a low flow area. Give it a week and if they seem fine...openning up and all, then slowly move the up the water colum to the desire location. Taking time means moving it only so much a week. If they are becoming detached, something is aggitating them. Could be fish, could be current. I suggest doing as much reading as possible on the tank mates and how they react to the corals you plan to purchase. I am sure yall know that. If it is not the tank mates, than I would look at how much current is hitting them as well as how much current is actually required. If you place a coral that required a low flow in a away of moderate or high, then they will stress out. They will either die or adapt by relocating (if they have the ability).
The pieces you have could be piece that were fragged. The soft corals may have weak connections and setting in a low flow zone for several weeks may be needed to improve their attachment. I asked about how long mushrooms need for attachment. The answer I got was from anywhere from a day to several weeks. I am sure its the same with many soft corals.