yellow polyps- question.


New Member
Hey Guys,
I just bought a yellow polyp coral today, and I was wondering if it is venomous or not. I've read a few different things and would really like it if you guys could clarify for me...
Thanks Guys!,


Active Member
No not venomous in regards to YOU. well unless you pull them from the tank and shove them in your eyes or mouth.
*note always wash hands before AND after you poke an arm in your tank for just this sake.
Yellow polyps can be toxic to other tankmates if you crush or smoosh them in the tank but it would take quite a few of them to do anyhthing to a tank. Figure you could smoosh 3 per gallon in order to bother something. And thats alot of smooshing
so , NO not toxic but they are agressive and can overgrow tankmates if you let them. Pepermint shrimp have been known to go after them too so heads up if you have shrimp in the same tank.


Active Member
yellow colonial poyps are actually anemone and like many anemone can fire stinging nematocysts, as well as having a host of bacteria on their surface. so for an extremely sensitive skin person they may cause irritation of the skin. so hand washing is highly reccomended as well as trying not to touch the actal body of the creature. whenever possible I reccomend people handle any coral or anemone by the rock it is attached to rather than the creature itself. And I am also a strong advocater of using gloves. better safe than sorry.