i just found this bit of info
Hardiness: Yellow polyps are very hardy. They do seem to be one of the tastier soft corals and if there is something in the tank that might munch on the occasional coral, yellow polyps are frequently the first ones eaten.
Lighting: Can withstand most reef lighting schemes, but seems to do best under at least moderate lighting..
Water Current: Yellow polyps prefer low to moderate water motion.
Temperature: Does well within a range of at least 76º to 84º F.
Aggressiveness: Very low.
Feeding: Yellow polyps are photosynthetic and do fine with no feeding, but occasional feeding of small meaty foods like brine shrimp is benefitial.
Supplements: No special requirement are noted. Normal acceptable water parameters seem to suite it just fine.
Tank Positioning: No special requirements other than keeping them out of forceful water flow. These specimens are usually placed near the bottom of the tank.
Propagation:: Yellow polyps will naturally propagate in the reef tank and the colony will tend to grow in size.
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