Yellow Polyps


My polyps are kind of a dull color almost brownish. The tentacles also aren't very long. At first they were on top of rocks close to light somebody told me they didn't like too much light so i moved them down closer to the floor. Everything else i have seems to be doing very well. I even have some copepods coming out. when i get the water checked they always say everything is fine. I always spray them with phytoplankton, and put in coralite every other day. Any suggestions?


What type of ligting do you have. If you want it to color back, you may move it up slowly so it can adjust to the light.

bang guy

You might want to try feeding them something they can actually eat. These animals are actually Anemone, not polyps. Colonial Anemone.


Active Member
STEROIDS!!! Just kidding. Maybe they are supposed to be brown? Are they Clove Polyps? What kind of polyps are they, do you have a picture.

reef bug

Mine eat brine and mysis. I target feed them. They're mid level with decent flow. Seem to be very happy.