Yellow Pygmy Angel reef friendly?


I made the mistake...AGAIN...of impulse buying a fishie...i bought my self a Yellow Pygmy Angel under the thought that they where a dwarf angel and reef safe...ive done some research and found out that even thought they are "dwarf" they are not neccisarly reef safe... Who has kept this fish before in a reef and have they munched on your corals?
Im really worried now because to get this fish out of my tank will be impossible....litrally.... Are these little fishies reef safe?


Active Member
What Dogstar said. While you might get lucky, it's is fairly certain that your fish will at a minimum pick at your corals, causing them a good deal of stress and preventing them from expanding fully. Now that you've already bought it, give it a try but I'd be ready to decide which you want more, corals or the angel. I do have to agree that the fish you got is a particularly pretty fish though.


I have a lemon peel angel and he nips here and there, but he mostly started nipping at my clam, so he came out of my main tank and he went dowenstairs to the 29 reef, where it's basically my overflow coral tank.
He was swimming around at the top of the tank one day and i just waited with the net and waited and waited and waited until i got the perfect shot at him and got 'em.


Active Member
I couldn't find an angel with the common name "yellow pygmy angel" in any of my books. What species are we talking about here?