Yellow/Red Coris Wrasse questions...


I'm interested in a yellow coris wrasse, and need to know if they will eat coral banded shrimp, or cleaner shrimp.
Also would a red coris wrasse and a yellow coris wrasse go together in my 155? Could they be added separetly if at all?


Originally Posted by aquashelle
I'm interested in a yellow coris wrasse, and need to know if they will eat coral banded shrimp, or cleaner shrimp.
Also would a red coris wrasse and a yellow coris wrasse go together in my 155? Could they be added separetly if at all?
I don't have personal experience with either of these, but I will give it a shot. The red gets around 14" and I think any decorative shrimp would be a tasty snack for it. The yellow gets to be about 5", and is known to eat snails and urchins, so I probably would not try them with the decorative shrimp either. I would think if you added them at the same time about the same size or maybe have the yellow a bit bigger, that they could coincide. Eventually, however, that is a big size difference, and the red might get curious as to how the yellow might taste. JMHO.

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist , I presently have a Corris - at 5" ,A Cleaner -at 2.5" ,and a Harlequin Tusk - at 7" . All 3 reside within my 150 gallon aquarium along with my Coral Banded Shrimp ,and I have no problems at all
. At first I thought that the cbs would be a meal for them
,but the wrasses don't bother the cbs a bit .


I have a red coris w/ a skunk cleaner and CBS with no problems. Coral banded shrimps can usually hold their own with aggressive fish IME.


Thanks for all replies! I also talked to the owner of the wrasse, and he said that he had a larger shrmp, and the wrasse never touched it. That answers my questions. Thanks!


Active Member
dude, you may be lulled into a false sense of security with the wrasse, he has a small mouth now. However once he grows a little bit, those shrimp are gonners. Wrasses are inquisitive, active spectacular fish. However they are MEAN. Even the more mellow ones.


I have a juvenile Red Coris Wrasse, and I also HAD a skunk cleaner and cbs. They are nowhere to be found, it was either the wrasse or my Zebra eel. I am guessing it was the eel, but the wrasse has killed small crabs before, because alot of the time hes not out of the sand for feeding time. I would trust him with bigger shrimp now, but not when he gets bigger. It all depends on the specimen. Good Luck


Yellow here! 2 cleaner shrimps, lots of snails, no problems.
The reds get HUGE though. Very pretty! But very big.
And I hear, that even at a very small size, they will pick up and throw rocks and corals all over your tank, hahaha...
Hi Grouper.


Active Member
Red Coris Wrasse are NOT to be trusted with any type of invert.
I had one, for a few years, that was pushing 14" and he ate over 40 of my hermits, WITHIN THE FIRST 24 HOURS IN MY!
He would pick up softball sized pieces of live rock and carry them around, like toys. He didn't like where the rock was, he'd pick it up and carry it to the other side of the tank. Then, a few hours later, he'd relocate it again.