Yellow Striped Maroon Clown Question


Active Member
I was at my lfs recently and saw a yellow striped maroon clown...the thing was very cool looking...i have a bta which i need a clown you think this would be a could choice in clowns?


Active Member
i already have a what i now believe to be a cinnamon clown which hosts my sabae....will the two clowns get along?


Active Member
my other clown is a cinnamon clown do u think they would almost definately go at it even though they each have their own anemone on different sides of the tank??
i really want that fish!

uk cats

Hey Chadman in my past attempts my advice to you is that its to risky. Maroon clowns will beat the hell out of another clown no matter even if that dont look alike. Maroons are cool but they are also
Good luck


Active Member
if you really want the fish i suggest taking out the cinnamon and then getting the maroon. they will certainly fight unless they are in a big tank.