Yellow Tail Blue Damselfish


The book that I have (Marine Fish at the recommendation of Flower) says that Yellow Tail Blue Damselfish are good in small groups, are reef safe, not aggressive to other fish, and are a good reef fish. I think they are actually pretty attractive. Will this fish eventually compliment my reef aquarium with a clown and coralbeauty???


LOL...ALL Damsels are aggressive to a point....I have one of them in my 225G....I think it would be mean if it were not for the fact it is the smallest fish in the tank LOL
I would not get more than 1 personally (if that)


Active Member
I recently trapped and returned the last of my Damsels (2 Yellow Tail Blues). They became extremely mean to my Royal Gramma.
I would only recommend Damsels to those I dislike...


I like Damsels <ducks>....... I just watch what I put in the tank. My tomato clowns keep the damsels in line. I like watching them zip around busy. While over the years I have had one or two that have grated on my nerves a bit, for the most part, I really find them amusing!


Active Member
In all honesty, I would enjoy a Damsel only a third or forth tank maybe...


Well-Known Member

They are evil little fish, they grow up and bite you whenever you put your hand in the tank. I mean they draw blood. They are very pretty and they can be kept if you have other aggressive fish to keep them in line..I would pass on them if I were you.
There are lots of small pretty fish that are not that ornery to choose from.


I have had a blue/yellow tail damsel for 3 years in my 90 gal. He gets along with everybody (2 clowns, one yellow tang and one lawnmower blenny. He's very colorful, personable and mingle with the other fish.
I must say that he didn't like the tang at first because they were sharing the same cavern and he was first there. Now everything is great.
I think that too many people are too eager to have the perfect tank with the perfect fish population RIGHT NOW. It takes time. Just my two cent.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by dutchswan
such as?

Dottybacks are small, about 2-3 inches and very bright colors. Mine is a Fridmans orchid. Wrasses are small and have dazzling colors. The long fin anthias, gorgeous and well suited for your deep tank. All these fish blow the damsels out of the water in temperament and color.
If you purchased the books I recommended, it has a nice picture and explanation of each of these fish.


New Member
yeah...we ripped apart our 125g to get 2 of the little devils. They were attacking and stressing all our new fish. I would avoid at all costs. Try some Chromis's. They are great schooling fish :)
yah i watched a vid on youtube a second ago the guy had 7 blue crhomis and they looked BEA utiful swimming around together!
unlkie those devils lols


Originally Posted by Flower

Dottybacks are small, about 2-3 inches and very bright colors. Mine is a Fridmans orchid. Wrasses are small and have dazzling colors. The long fin anthias, gorgeous and well suited for your deep tank. All these fish blow the damsels out of the water in temperament and color.
If you purchased the books I recommended, it has a nice picture and explanation of each of these fish.
Watch the dottybacks. I have had 2 that were very mean.


Originally Posted by MaineReefer
yeah...we ripped apart our 125g to get 2 of the little devils. They were attacking and stressing all our new fish. I would avoid at all costs. Try some Chromis's. They are great schooling fish :)
I have 6 blue green chromis's. They do look cool when they school. And they are not aggressive either


Active Member
My damsels attack me and it's almost to the point where they are drawing blood. I do like how active they are in my tank though. The ones that I have must be together. I noticed when I had to quarantine one, the other was a complete spaz - terrozing all the other fish. Also, damsels are next to impossible to remove from the tank.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by scottnlisa
Watch the dottybacks. I have had 2 that were very mean.

One per tank. You had two?
I never had a problem with any dottyback. The Royal Gramma I had used to make ugly faces at the firefish, that's about it.


Originally Posted by smartorl
I like Damsels <ducks>....... I just watch what I put in the tank. My tomato clowns keep the damsels in line.
Let's not forget that clownfish are simply damsels in fancy you've simply added a couple of more aggressive damsels that keep the "plain" damsels in line...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ernestpolska
fish can make faces? lols

The Royal Gramma would come up to the firefish and open it's mouth as wide as possible like it would eat it, right up in the others face, then swim yes it made an ugly face to try and scare the firefish.


Originally Posted by saxman
Let's not forget that clownfish are simply damsels in fancy you've simply added a couple of more aggressive damsels that keep the "plain" damsels in line...
Shhhh, please don't offend my clowns.