yellow tail damsel owners!


im doing a 55g fish only with live rock and right now have a maori wrasse (aka scarlet hogfish) in there about 3.5 inches long. i want to add yellow tail blue damsel or two but want to also add other fish later. if you have one of these fish (yellow tail damsel), what do you have them in with and do they get along ok? should I wait and add the other fish first, or just add them and then rearrange the decor later before adding another fish? whats your experience? thanks.


I have had a domino damsel (black w/ white dot) and he chased everything in the tank. Later I switched over to a yellowtail damsel and I have it in with 2 clown fish, a yellow tang and some green chromis. This fish actually acts civil. Although, I have noticed he is the first one to investigate anything new in the tank, I have not observed much aggression.


most people you will talk to eventualy regret putting a damselfish into the system. thats why they are so cheeeeeep.
they are evel.
go with blue chromis same family, but they must have had a better childhood.
good luck


We have one with 2 Clarkii, Coral Beauty, 4-Stripe Damsel and Neon Dotty. We added it with the first Clarkii after the 4-Stripe, then the beauty and finally the other Clarkii and dotty. Seems to be well behaved enough, but it was bullied by the 4-Stripe until the Clarkii started bullying the stripe. The Clarkii is the master of the tank, the yellow tail will occasionally try to intimidate the smaller fish, but never chases. He is the smallest in the tank, so I think he just does it when the others are in his little territory. We wanted a peaceful reef, unfortunately damsels were suggested to start and we just dont have the heart to get rid of our longest lived fish. I feel like we have a semi-aggressive system with all the attitudes swimming around the tank. So far things have worked out, its been a while since we considered any fish purchases.
Sorry, I rambled on.:rolleyes:


ha ha rwhite, no problem. well i decided to go ahead and go for it, except i got an azure damsel. he's pretty cool. im still interested in peoples experiences with them though.


I have one for a long time but only with a big fish.
Doesn't bother but... if you put into your tank two of them
there be a war.


New Member
We have 3 yellow tail damsels, used to have 4, 1 coral beauty and 2 perc clowns. The coral beauty is the mean one it killed the one yellow tail, bit off its tail then died, it also chases around the other 3 damsels.


dang, i was thinking about putting a pygmy angel like a flame angel or rust angel in my tank, but from the sounds of it they are ultra mean too. youre not the first person ive heard of with mean angelfish. maybe have to rethink that decision!
so far the wrasse and damsel are getting along fine.

sea goblin

i have a 30 gal with a yellow tail damsel, a coral beauty and a false percula clown. all of them get along great with no problems...just the ocasional little chase. the tank has been set up like that for almost 2 years now.
Sea Goblin