Yellow Tail Damsel


Just noticed that my yellow tailed damsel looks sick...the bottom part of his chin is white and looks like a scrape of some sort. Like maybe he scraped it on lr. He is in my 90 gallon reef with 3 green chromis and 2 blue damsels (the yellow tail was added before the others) also have tangs and clean up crew. Is this ick (sorry no picture) or maybe something else? Again, his lower jaw area is white and I'm afraid he might pollute the rest of my tank. Should I get him out of the tank?


If it looks like a scrape, it probably is. I would leave the fish in the tank as most of the time this kind of injury will heal itself. Keep an eye on this fish, and if the animal is being harassed by the other fish, or the injury looks like it might be getting infected (redness, swelling) then remove it to a QT.
Just so you know, ich looks like little grains of salt sticking to the fish....


Does anyone have pics of this 'salt looking substance' that sticks to fish called ick? I hope none of my fish have this but now I'm paranoid. My purple tang sometims looks like there is little particles on him but then they go away and come back. I always thought it was just particles that were floating around in the water. ??? Again, he acts normal, eats and plays and none of the others look like this etc. Is this ick?


Here are a couple of pics of fish with ich.....these are freshwater fish but you get the idea!



Hay there, I have a pair of yellow tails too, and have noticed little white markings round thier mouths that I would almost describe as little white lines or freckles. I’m not talking about Ick, but just a natural characteristic of these fish. Search online for pics of yellow tails and you will see what im talking about. Take a closer look at your damsels lip. If its just a bunch of white dimples then you might be OK, might just be your fishes, natural look. But still keep an eye on the fish for a week or so, If it goes away, than it was probably a scratch, if it gets worse and spreads, them you have Ick.
Here is a pic I found online
Another yellow tail


Well, my yellow tail has dissappeared completely now. I havent seen him in days. And now the purple tang DEFINITELY has spots all over him. No question now...before they would come and go and be very fair in color. Now they are BOLD white spots...and all over. When I get out of work tonight, he is going in a 10 gallon tank by himself. At that point, what would I do? No sand or lr right? What should my salinity be? Temp? PH? What do I treat him with? Sorry for all the questions, but the last one is...what percentage of possibilty says that now I will have OTHER fish sick? Or if I get him out he wont spread his disease?
pleeeeeeeeeeeeease help!!


Sorry to hear, but it definitely sounds like Ick.

The water in your hospital tank should be the same as in your main tank as far as temp and pH. Do a search on Hypo-Salinity treatment, that might be one possibility on getting rid of the Ick.