Yellow Tang acting Funny HELP NOW!!!!


Came home and yellow tank is having difficutly swimming. Not moving very well at all. No visible signs of any trauma or disease. Water parameters good. Any ideas???? He is eating though. The food has seemed to perk him up a little. I feed him once a day.


Well its been about 2 hours now and he seem fine now. He ate very well and he is now moving like a tang should and seems to have regained control of his swimming.
He literaly almost went belly up for a moment and actuall was lying head first in the sand against the glass for a moment too. Strange. Any ideas would be helpful!!!!
Do you think it was from starvation or something? I don't think it could be but I do only feed the fish once a day, but I thought that was recommended.
Hopefully all is well again!


Active Member
Chris-I'm not sure that his behavior is from starvation but as for feeding yellow tangs, what I have heard and read is that they are natural grazers. They like to eat all day. Do you offer it seaweed for it to graze on? Do you have alot of algae in the tank for it to eat? Just some thoughts on their natural eating behaviors but not sure that is why he woud've been acting like that. Sorry, couldn't be of any help but glad he is doing better.


Staff member
Can you post a picture?
Give some details about your tank.
Do you have a grounding probe?


I am feeding it Green Algae Seaweed Salad, Formula two and Brine shrimp plus both by Ocean Nutrition. I do have a grounding probe. Water conditions are normal. No signs of lateral line disease ick or any other disease. He seems fine today and has just eaten.
I really thought he was a gonner but he turned around quickly. He really was having difficulty swimming like he was dying or just had no energy. He had a lot of difficult manuevering to eat but he managed to eat alot. After he ate he started moving around, darting around the tank if I got to close to him. Before he it was like he was incapable of moving that fast and turning quickly to catch passing food. He could only eat what was right in front of him or he cold easily swim too.
I have enough algae in the tank to keep them grazing for months. At first I thought one of my turbo was eaten and thought maybe he got sick from eating it but it looks like the turbo was just way up in its shell.


No offense but, if I say they are normal then they are normal ranges! What part of normal do you not understand?
Salinity 1.023
Temp 79 deg.
ph 8.2
nitrate 0
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
I have had these parameters for since I started this tank in January of 2004, with the exception of the salinity which fluctuates between 1.020-1.023 and temp which occassionally registers 78-80.