yellow tang always hiding??

since last night, around 6pm or so, my yellow tang has been hiding in this "stump" we have for the fish to sleep in, its fake deco btw. but today he wont come out either, only cames out long enough to eat some seaweed sheet and goes right back in, also for the last 3 days or so it has been 90+ outside, and the tank hit 84 or 85 at one point, we put icecubes in the filter to cool down the water as it went by, but only got it down to about 82. could that make the tang hide all day? none of the other fish are hiding or picking on him, and he looks well, just is hiding all day. any advice? TIA.


Active Member
How long have you had the YT? They tend to be out in the open staying busy picking algea off the rocks all day. If he's hiding out that could be indicative of stress.
Keep a close eye on him for ich.
Good Luck!
had him for about a week now, and untill last night he was out and about eating off the rocks all day, but now just hides and comes out only for a min or two at a time.