Yellow Tang Always Skinny? Or Not?



Hi Everyone, I wanted to know if a Yellow Tang has to always be skinny, eating algae and some small food so it won't get too fat, I say this because every retail store I go to they are skinny. And another thing, Whats the difference between a hawaiin yellow tang and a normal yellow tang. :thinking:


yellow tangs only come from Hawaii, and well about skinny -- their body should not be thinner then their head, but not fatter either. thats the best bet if he is even throughtout lol


Active Member
At fish stores, they will be a little skinnier because fish stores do not feed them every single day with seaweed/nori. There are far too many fish to do this with, plus, most fish only stay a week or two in an lfs.


Active Member
mine fattened up soon after I got him. he's not obese or anything, but he's not concave like the ones at fish stores....he looks a lot more healthy. tangs will eat a lot, but they are very active too, so that won't be too fat, but they shouldn't be too skinny either.


Originally Posted by arrissa
if they look like they've been pinched at the bottom, they are too skinny
100% correct