yellow tang and a scopas together?


I just added a yellow tang to my 125gal last night. I already had a scopas in there and I want to know if anyone else has successfully kept the two together. I'm working right now, but so far they seem to be doing ok. The yellow is almost twice the size as the scopas, i just want to make sure they'll be fine together.
I know the rule of thumbs (no two with the same shape), but figured i'd take a chance.


Active Member
they are both zebramosa and so they may fight. yellow can be rather aggressive too. your best bet would to have 3rd zebramosa (or just 1), because 1 on 1, there may be a problem.


Active Member
I have a yellow that is about 2 times the size of a scopas in my 55g (they are in there now while they are small, when they get big enough they are going in my 220g, dont worry tang police haha) as well. They dont fight at all. The yellow does dominate the tank but the scopas knows this and lets the Yellow get the algea he wants first when I put a new clip in. They get along fine thus far (I have had them both for probably 7 months). Good luck, you should be fine.


I just ordered a powder brown, but that's all the tangs I plan on adding. I really don't want to add another scopas. Hopefully I won't have too, but I might just trade the yellow back if it picks on my scopas too much.
Thanks you two. I can't wait to get home to check out how they're doing. I'll let ya know their progress in a week or two.