Yellow tang and fairy wrasse question


I have had a pretty good sized yellow tang for about 3 weeks now in my 55 gallon. I ordered off a website which said it was going to be around 1.5'' and ended up being huge. Anyways, I am upgrading in December so I am giving the tang to my friend when I tear down my tank. Yesterday, I bought a fairy wrasse. The yellow tang keeps chasing him around and trying to hit him with the bone on the back of his fin. Do you think the tang will continue to do this or will he eventually get used to his new tank mate. There is not a whole of room in the tank for the tang so I feel like he is trying to protect the little area that he has...


Active Member
Originally Posted by matt2364
There is not a whole of room in the tank for the tang so I feel like he is trying to protect the little area that he has...
I agree. I think the best thing to do would be to give the tang to your friend now and let the smaller wrasse have some peace.


I would like to get him out now, I just have an impossible time trying to catch fish in my tank. That is why I wanted to wait until December when I have take everything out anyways. I guess I will wait a few days and see how it goes.
Here is a picture of the unhappy couple:


i had the same problem with my angel and my tang my angel would chase till i got advice.
move the rock around or put the Angel in a new tank for a few days then reinsert fish.
t dnt work straight away but after 4 days of the ngel being backt fially accept it.
all you have is the same thing just dominance issue once knocked down a peg or 2 youll be ok.
good luck


Can the bone on the rear part of the tang do any damage to the wrasse? Is this something I need to worry about?
I think the tang will have a very hard time actually doing any damage because the wrasse can just dart into the rock, whereas the tang is too big.


Active Member
a chased wrasse can get stressed and succumb to ick, if the bug is in the water / on the fish.


Yeah...I just noticed he has 2-3 specks on him. If I remove the tang today should I wait and see if the ick progresses? Do you think he could fight off the disease and be fine? I do not know a whole lot about ick. Let me know, thanks.


Active Member
fairy wrasse have a deecent immune system, but ich is now in your tank, you will have to hypo the fish and ran fallow for 6 weeks to get it out of your display. i lost almost an entire tank of fish this way.


Oh man...that does not sound fun. I guess there are not a whole lot of alternatives though. I just got the Tang out and he is on his way to his new home, a 125 fish only. It is actually my roommates who lives on the first floor, lol. He went with the fish only and I went with the reef.


We inspected the tang really closely and did not see any ick on him. The wrasse just developed it earlier today. I would assume that we should be fine, only time will tell though.


i had to remove a small yellow tang from my tang due to aggression to some of my fairys and i added the tang last..but that fairy will start to hide and not come out and eat if it is being chased alot and if stressed they can die form it...i always introduce my new fish using a speicmen cup seems to help with aggression but i would remove the tang if it was me