yellow tang and powder blue tang


New Member
Hi all,
Does anyone out there have a yellow tang and a powder blue tang in the same tank?
If so, or if you have done in the past, how did they get on (or not as the case may be)
Look forward to hearing your views


Active Member
I have both in the same tank. They are fine now. It's been awhile, but seems like there was a little tension on the first day or two, but that quickly resolved itself....


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
I have both in the same tank. They are fine now. It's been awhile, but seems like there was a little tension on the first day or two, but that quickly resolved itself....

It should be pointed out that what you call a tank most of us would call a pond, or at least a small lake.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
It should be pointed out that what you call a tank most of us would call a pond, or at least a small lake.
My water's not that brown...I did a water change sometime last year


Active Member
Hey, I just can even see the yellow and the powder blue in the pic. So there's proof that they can co-habitate...


not to change the subject but would sailfin and hippo get along as good as the yellow and hippo tang


Active Member
Originally Posted by JoJo727
not to change the subject but would sailfin and hippo get along as good as the yellow and hippo tang
Personally, I think any of the tangs "can" get along, with a big enough tank and variables such as size and order that they are added.
kjr trig has more knowledge on tangs and aggression, so maybe he will chime in....


thanks T, i dont think my tank is large enough anyways(135g) but its nice to dream.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JoJo727
thanks T, i dont think my tank is large enough anyways(135g) but its nice to dream.
135? I think you are good to go bro....

Most people trying to keep these fish have much less than that.


Active Member

Originally Posted by T316
Personally, I think any of the tangs "can" get along, with a big enough tank and variables such as size and order that they are added.
kjr trig has more knowledge on tangs and aggression, so maybe he will chime in....
LOL, funny guy....No I kind of agree that anything can work out within reason, that's not to say you should put a Sohal with a Clown Tang in 100 or an Achilles with a Powder Blue in a 100. But as long as basic tank size needs are met, and you don't try to mix tangs that look alike (such as the 2 examples I mentioned), most tangs from different families can
co-exist wonderfully. I certainly think Powder Blue and Yellow, or Blue and Yellow can coexist given the right tank size. In a 100 I like Hippo with Yellow a little better, Powder Blue are very active fish that do better in a bit larger tanks.
I think when you introduce is important too, that is where T316 and I differ a bit, I have always found any Acanthurus Tang (such as Powder Blue) to be more aggressive (T316's Yellow I believe is more aggressive). I had an established Achilles in a 125 and tried to add a smaller Yellow, the Achilles killed it, where as I think if the Yellow were in first it would have worked, but that was many years ago.....I digress....I think a Hippo and Yellow are worth a try in a 100...I would prefer a larger tank for a Sailfin or a Powder Blue.


I have both in my 125 I was a little concerned at first. The yellow tang would not leave the powdered blue alone at first but now they get along just fine.


Active Member

Originally Posted by kjr_trig
LOL, funny guy....No I kind of agree that anything can work out within reason, that's not to say you should put a Sohal with a Clown Tang in 100 or an Achilles with a Powder Blue in a 100. But as long as basic tank size needs are met, and you don't try to mix tangs that look alike (such as the 2 examples I mentioned), most tangs from different families can
co-exist wonderfully. I certainly think Powder Blue and Yellow, or Blue and Yellow can coexist given the right tank size. In a 100 I like Hippo with Yellow a little better, Powder Blue are very active fish that do better in a bit larger tanks.
I think when you introduce is important too, that is where T316 and I differ a bit, I have always found any Acanthurus Tang (such as Powder Blue) to be more aggressive (T316's Yellow I believe is more aggressive). I had an established Achilles in a 125 and tried to add a smaller Yellow, the Achilles killed it, where as I think if the Yellow were in first it would have worked, but that was many years ago.....I digress....I think a Hippo and Yellow are worth a try in a 100...I would prefer a larger tank for a Sailfin or a Powder Blue.

Good advice, and no, I was not being sarcastic. I was being serious in that you do have more knowledge/experience in this area.
Also, this thread is kind of confusing....I think the OP has a 100 g., but then JoJo posted the question about the sailfin and he has a 135.