Yellow Tang . . . ANIMAL CRUELTY ?


Would you consider it to be animal cruelty to have one yellow tang in a 29 gal aquarium ?
he would share the tank with 2 percs
if so, can regal tangs be happy with less swimming room ?


Big debate over this issue, most people would say yes (animal cruelty). A Regal Tang needs even more room than a Yellow.
I know it's a bummer to want a fish and not have enough room. I want this yellow puffer at my LFS, but I think I need a couple hundred gallon tank to get it :( I wonder how many gallons my bathtub holds? (just kidding)
I bought my 40 gallon from someone that had two percs and a yellow tang in it. The tang was always really mean to the percs, because he felt cramped. I cant belive they lived, the tang was biting them all day. It had to be taken back to the store. Maybe just think of this first tank as a starter, thats what I do, then I can plan for a much larger tank and get more of a variety.


What do you think would be a cool, bright, nice addition to a pair of percs in my little 29 gallon tank ?


I have a yellow tang in a 65. He loves it...and gets along great with my maroon/glod striped clown. They're friends. Anyway, they pretty much stay together and seem fine. Maybe that will change with another fish.