Yellow Tang Crap?


I'm assuming it's crap, and what appears to be a start of a build up of the crap. Should I be trying to remove it or just let it go or what? It's sitting on top of my cc. Do I have a problem here?


depends on what your clean up crew consists of. These are the things that eat the left over food and yes tang crap. If you don't have any clean up crew then yes you will develope a serious nitrate and water quality problem.


What kind of a cleanup crew do you recommend for this job? I have nothing in the tank now but 1 yellow tang and 3 damsels. no live sand, no live rock. i am wanting to go that way though. thinking of trading in the livestock and taking out my UGF and CC, and dumping in live sand/play sand southdown and live rock, but don't want to drop a ton of money on the live rock right now. What to do? Just keep the way I am now and go with a clean up crew? I like my tank, but it's VERY boring because not really a lot of decoration or color to the tank. Any help would be greatly appreciated?