Yellow Tang died, could others be in trouble?


Last night I noticed my yellow tang just sort of drifting with the current and bashing into rocks. She was breathing real heavy. Just an hour or two before she was acting normal and i hadn't noticed anything wierd on her. Anyways she was just sort of laying there against a rock and she had this huge spazm where her whole body shook. After that she stopped breathing and just started floating around (she was definently dead). I took her out immediatley so that she would not decay in the tank at all. Two questions: 1) what happened to her and 2) could the same thing happen to my other fish and if so what should i do. I checked this morning and everyone else is still there.
mandarin goby
scooter blenny
and all corals all seem to be doing great.
Water parameters are close to perfect, the only thing that changed yesterday was i stuck my hand in to move around a new piece of rock and the temp rose maybe 2 deg. due to extremely hot weather.