Yellow Tang died-don't have a clue why?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Murph
Shark; if you happen back along this thread do me a favor in any other responses to this or others. As you type along every three or four sentences hit the enter key. Like this.
I like reading your post and you seem to be a well informed hobbits but they are difficult to read when its all one long..........

Oh, so proper grammar is a must on a message board :notsure: ?
I guess your right, I should place a break in my paragraphs.
When on a chat/message board, I’m not really thinking of proper grammar. More of just typing as my brain spouts out opinions, fact or theory.
Thank you, for thinking I’m well informed. I don't consider my self an expert.
With 17 years of involvement in this hobby and way to many books and articles, it has been one big self taught lesson.
But since we seem to be having some fun nit picking. Why did you call me a hobbits? :notsure:
I’ll try to make my post a little more easy to follow along.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sleasia was probably sick to begin with, like everyone has been saying, because of collection techniques. But another possibility is that wherever you bought the fish may have been keeping it in low salinity in the store. Did you check the bag water's salinity before acclimating. The reason I say this is many stores keep the fish in very low salinity. I was surprised to find the butterflies I bought a month or so ago came in bag water which was 1.017 salinity...Had I not acclimated them to a qt which I adjusted to 1.017 and instead acclimated them to my main tank which is 1.025, they probably would have died...This seems to be a very widespread problem.

Sleasia, your right on salinity being different. That’s why dripping is very important with acclimating marine life. In my opinion.
A lot of fish stores still tell people to float a fish for fifteen minutes, then add a cup of tank water technique. I myself feel that its important for me to know what water quality the new additions has been in and came from. Different test for different critters.
The basic five test get done with fish and for coral and inverts they get the get the basic five plus Kh/ALC, Ca, Stron, Mag on all water from fish stores. Maybe its just me and the fact that I’m so anal retentive with my tanks, that my failure/death rate has been close to zero.
I have found that a lot of fish stores waters test low in a lot of areas. Even when it comes to the water in the coral tanks, quality is not has pristine as it should be.
Good fact to add to this.
How was that murph? Can I get an A on my grammar now?


Active Member
LOL calling you a hobbit is totally B. Gates fault. It appears his spell check program only corrects spelling and not meaning. Hobbit? Hobbyist? There dam near the same thing anyways. :joy:


Active Member
my yellow tang (wangotango) died the same way last week. they really need to find a better way to harvest fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Murph
LOL calling you a hobbit is totally B. Gates fault. It appears his spell check program only corrects spelling and not meaning. Hobbit? Hobbyist? There dam near the same thing anyways. :joy:
Oh oh, ok i gotcha yah.
I thought you were implying I live in a forest. Damn that Bill Gates. :mad:
You have not graded my grammar yet, how am i doing now?