yellow tang emperor angel


New Member
My emperor angel circles around my tang and it sometimes looks like it is eating something off the tang. What is going on. My tang on some occasions breaths rapidly and doesn't eat then other days it is fine. My water is perfect I used the hypo-salinity procedure along with copper. I feed my fish twice a day and I do partial water changes twice a month. I have a 55 gallon tank with wet/dry filter system and skilter (filter/protein skimmer) I have a yellow tang, emperor angel(juv.) and two percula clowns. The only thing I think I did wrong was leave my salinity at 1.14 for about one month after hyposalinity. Im currently moving it backup to 1.20. When I did hyposalinity I went down to 1.09


Juvenile emperor angels will pick parasites off fish when they're young much like a cleaner fish.