yellow tang faded


Why is my Yellow Tang fading? I feed him formula 1. I've had him for about 2 weeks. I'm going to try to get some of that kelp seaweed stuff from my lfs.

aquarius 1

You should try feeding all of your fish foods such as flakes, pellets, or frozens soaked in vitamins such as Zoe, Zoecon, or Selcon. My fish get a doze of vitamins daily with their meals and their colors, size and activity are unmatched.


Faded colors are on a yellow tang are definitely a precursor to HLLE. You are feeding an incorrect diet, as previous posts have mentioned, and you really need to think about adding "Zoecon" to any food being consumed by the tang. You really need to supplement the tang with "Seawead Salad" or something of that nature. The yellow tang is a herbivore, don't try to feed it a carnivore diet, Formula 2 is ideal.


Mine fade every night when the lights go out and a white line apears on there sides... i feed a heb diet but the also love brime shrimp mainly but pick at greens from time to time.....


Yellow tangs are grazers. In addition to _everything_ posted above, there should be some form of either macroalgae or nori available at all times for the fish to graze on. If you can locate some "red feeding algae" also sold as tang heaven red (Gracilaria parvispora) it will go a long way toward stopping the decline and reversing the process.


Yellow Tangs, any tangs for that matter need more in their diet than just greens! Formula 1 is OK but it should not be the only food fed to any fish. A varied diet can improve the health of any fish. Formula 1, Formula 2, Angel Formula, Brine Shrimp Plus are all good foods for any fish, and most fish will eat them all. My personal fav is Special Formula V.H.P. it seems to beef up scrawny fishes quick and I feed all my new fish this with the addition of fresh algae and seafoods, and the above mentioned formulas. With that said, most marine fish have nighttime coloration, aand sometimes especially when the lights in the tank come on, this can be observed. Also look for the white line/ stripe down the middle of the Yellow Tang is this is present all the time your fish could be stressed by someting and should be carefully watched to determine the cause of the stress!