yellow tang harrassing coral beauty


Active Member
I added a coral beauty to my tank 8 days ago. By day 2 my yellow tang has taken a couple chunks out it's tail and was harrassing it a lot. I took the yellow tang out and put it in the 20 gal for 6 days, moved rock around and then put it back in last night. The tang is still harrassing the angel. I would like to keep both these fish but am at a loss what else to do. :(


Active Member
Please read my initial post. That is what I did for 6 days and I rearranged the live rock in the 55 while he was out.


Tangs are generally pretty agressive especially a yellow tang in a 55 gal tank. What size is the tang and what size is the coral beauty. Also, when you rearrange the rock don't just move it around. Take it all out and make a whole new design. Trust me it works I was able to completely acclimate a juvinille purple tang in a tank with a 5-6 inch queen angel and that's no easy thing. Good luck to you.

ed r

You already tried the right approach so your yellow tang may be trouble. Can you create several caves or hiding places that the coral beauty can fit in, but the tang cannot? If the beauty has a few secure spots, he may be ok. If he survives long enough without severe injury, the tang may lose interest. He already knows he is boss.


Active Member
Thanks Ed, and yes we made some areas where the angel can get and the tang can't, totally took away the tangs previous sleeping area, made a couple areas on opposite end of tank from where angel sleeps for tang and put tangs nori clip on that side. The tang is about 3 inches the angel about 1 1/2 inches. I'm not sure this is going to work, but I'm going to give it a couple more days and then see if my lfs will switch me out for another smaller tang. And here I was thinkin the tomato clown was the only aggressor in the tank. It loves the angel doesn't even chase it away from the anenomes.