yellow tang has a brown mark????


He has a small brownish spot near his tail. Almost looks like a scrape or something. And on that same side the white line/spot that they have on both sides near their tails appears loose. Kinda like a finger nail thats been cut but still hanging on the finger. (sorry, best description I could think of). I know its hard to come up w/ a prognosis but curious to what this sounds like to you all. I did notice a fairly small piece of Live rock had fallen two days ago. Could it have hit him? Any ideas? What should I do?


I'll also add that he has been butting the tank glass every now and then with his tail end. Its the same thing he's been doing w/ the foxface for nearly two months which I took as trying to bully the foxface. But he had never done it to the glass.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Okiefish
I'll also add that he has been butting the tank glass every now and then with his tail end. Its the same thing he's been doing w/ the foxface for nearly two months which I took as trying to bully the foxface. But he had never done it to the glass.
Could have injured himself fighting the glass. Keep an eye on him and get a picture of it if you can. You will more than likely asked what other habitants are in there and what size of tank too.


Thanks for the reply.
Its a 90 gallon tank. I do have a coral branded shrimp and have heard they go after fish sometimes. I thought the attacking the glass was alittle strange since he's never done it before. But like I said, he's done it w/ the foxface.
Other inabitants are:
2 Blue damsels
1 domino damsel
1 tomato clown
1 yellow goby
1 foxface
1 coral branded shrimp
and hermits and snails


Yellow Tangs and Foxfaces do NOT mix. That "white thing near his tail" is actually bone and part of his skeletal structure. If it's dangling he must be trying to break it off completely so he can grow a new one. Don't know about the brown spot. Could be a bruise, but that's just a guess at best.


Originally Posted by mystic7
Yellow Tangs and Foxfaces do NOT mix. That "white thing near his tail" is actually bone and part of his skeletal structure. If it's dangling he must be trying to break it off completely so he can grow a new one. Don't know about the brown spot. Could be a bruise, but that's just a guess at best.
So if this is the case w/ the bone is it normal? Or is it due to something that shouldn't have happened?