Yellow Tang has Ich help!


New Member
My Yellow Tang has ich, should I remove him from my tank? I dont have anything else to put him in, but dont want to have more fish come down with this....


How many fish do you have? Is this a new tang that you recently added to your display tank? Just because your tang has ich doesn't mean that he will die or infect the other fish. My tang had ich but it was fine after a week. I also run a uv sterilizer. Check your levels too.


New Member
I have a Maron Clown, Yellow tail Damsel, and C/B angelfish, 90g tanks with LR/LS
my Amonia and nitrite were both at zero when i added him 2 days ago. All my other fish seem fine right now.


New Member
Have you tried giving it a fresh water bath? Put some fresh water with some conditioner into a bucket. Adjust the temp of the water as close to the temp of your tank water as possible. Place the tang in the fresh water for approx. 1 to 1 1/2 minutes. He will may start to look a little weak but he should be ok. I wouldnt do this more then once a week, as it is hard on him, but it should work.....did for me, first time.


New Member
I bumped up my temp to 82 before going to bed and just over night it looks like its almost gone.