Yellow Tang Help!!!!


I've had my yellow tang for about a month now in an 80G tank that had fully cycle for over a month before I put him in. Everything has been going great until today. I noticed this morning that he was very pale but swimming OK. This afternoon he is listless and laying on his side for longer periods of time. My water parameters are all fine. Could someone please help as I dont want to lose one of my favorite fish?


Active Member
Post all parameters.saying they are fine does not help. How is this tank set much circulation? What size tank and what other fish?


Sorry 80G tank 80Lbs Live rock and 60Lbs live sand, 2 power heads and a wet-dry filter. Amonia-0 Nitrate-0 Nitrite-0 PH-8.2 Salinity Other fish is a 3in porc puffer and he is doing fine


Active Member
Must feed plenty of greens (er seaweed variations). What are you feeding him? ie. I feed mine 3 times a day. Emerald Entree + Mysis Shrimp + Seaweed Strips + Formula #2 + Spirulina Enriched Brine Shrimp. Eat like horses these Tangs do.


Thanks for the quick replies, but alas he died about an hour ago.
I was feeding him seaweed strips and myosis shrimp 2-3 times a day. It was sad because him and the puffer were buddies, even resting in the same cave at night. After he died the puffer wouldn't let any of the hermits crabs near him and stayed right beside him. until I got him out.


Active Member
Your tank is too young yet for tangs!!! Wait for a while before you put in another tang, they're finicky about water quality and certain stuffs probably didn't test out. Let your tank run for awhile to get itself established. :happyfish


Thanks for the help. The puffer spent about 2 days searching the tank for the tang but has now gone back to his normal self.(begging for food from whoever is in front of the tank)


Active Member
something you might want to consider is checking for stray voltage. From what I understand Tangs tend to be a little more sensitive to stray voltage then other fish.
It is just a thought since there does not seem to be any aparent reason for the death.


Active Member
Umm, I don't think I can explain it well, but if you do a search for it there was a thread that told how to check for it. Basically with all the electrical equipment we use there is a possibility that some of the voltage can get into the saltwater. Like I said I don't know how to explain it but it might be a good idea to check for.


People blame stray voltage 4 everything. Why? I dont know. But i can tell you this, stray voltage is caused by a piece of faulty equipment in your tank. There are many threads on this topic, check em out. But just because your tang died, dont assume its "stray voltage" because somebody says so. Id check 4 myself. But of course, IMO. Good luck. :happyfish


I checked the voltage and everything seems fine. It was posed in this earlier but I'll ask again. I was told to put clowns in with the puffer. I currently have a clown in a 29G tank that I've been thinking about upgrading in the near future. Wouldn't teh puffer eat or harass the clowns?


Active Member
Well that is good. Just thought it would be something you could check for. As far as the clowns in with a puffer I would think the clowns might be in danger since porcupine puffers get large and might eat a clown.