Yellow Tang Help!


I was noticing today that my yellow tang has some really really tiny black dots on him. I can barely see them but they are there. I cant tell if they are maybe some food debris form his seaweed or what. Should i be worried? Thanks alot


Those black dots are more than likely Black Ick. Black ick is very natorious in Yellow Tangs- especially ones brought in from parts of Hawaii. It is not lethal by itself, but it can stress the fish which opens opportunites for other diseases. It is also contagious. One method of treating it, I have heard is using a Formalin freshwater bath. Sorry I can't help to much with curing it, but finding out what it is, is a step in the right direction. I'm sure others wll have some more info.
[ October 22, 2001: Message edited by: -Shawn- ]


I would post this in the disease / treatment forum, Beth, TerryB and the others should be able to point you in the right dirrection.