Yellow Tang Help


New Member
Have a couple of ?s on my yellow tang. 1st, how often to feed them lettuce, everyday, everyother, etc? 2nd, how often to change the lettuce, he usually never eats the whole piece. 3rd, he stress' out when I change the lettuce from the clip for like couple hours afterwards, then seems to be okay. Is this the norm? Am I doing something wrong? Any suggestions please. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Yellow tangs are normally spazz's i would change the lettuce every other day,and use romaine lettuce or better yet use roasted dried seaweed you can buy it in the oriental, chinese section at your local grocery store for about $1.75 a pack should last 1 or 2 months. Also your lawnmower blenny will like the seaweed


New Member
Thanks, will have to get some this weekend @ the store to try it out. Also might be cheaper than buying romaine lettuce every couple of days. lol