Yellow Tang ILL?


I am not sure if my yellow tang is Ill or not. The fish has been not swimming as much but maybe that is because my tank seems to be cycling again. The fish is eating but has a little puffy belly. Maybe that is normal. I dont know. I will attach a photo as soon as I can.


Please post your exact readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, SG, and temp. Is this fish in the display? How long have you had him? What other fish are in with him? What sized tank?


Ammonia .25
Nitrite .25
Nitrate 20-30
PH 8.1
sal 1.027-1.028
temp 80
been up a little over a month
72 gallon bowfront with sump, canister, eheim wet dry pro 2 and octapus skimmer
I have two false clowns in the tank with him. Three snails are in there, a fire shrimp, and a coral banded shrimp. I also have a lawnmower benny.


Staff member
Those water conditions are reason for concern. You should do some water changes, to get the ammonia down.


Originally Posted by rzande1
Ammonia .25
Nitrite .25
Nitrate 20-30
PH 8.1
sal 1.027-1.028
temp 80
been up a little over a month
72 gallon bowfront with sump, canister, eheim wet dry pro 2 and octapus skimmer
I have two false clowns in the tank with him. Three snails are in there, a fire shrimp, and a coral banded shrimp. I also have a lawnmower benny.
It is awfully early to keep a fish that needs an established tank. Do water changes to get the numbers down. Do not add any more fish for several months.


I think the tang is ill now. It is just sitting up against the glass and sand. It is breathing fast and not moving. I think it has a limited time now. I wouldnt have added fish into the tank yet if I knew that the tank wasnt ready. I had my test kits telling me it was and the lfs guy I always talk to was saying it sounded like it was good too. I saw the numbers and they were telling me the tank was ready.