Yellow Tang in a 55 gallon tank?



Originally Posted by teen
garfunkle, what you said in post #25, is pretty much BS.
im trying to help you out bro. im giving you sound advice here, and your just throwing it out the window.

You have a lot to learn about helping someone my friend. For a start, never call someones words "b/s". ESPECALLY when you have NO proof to back you up. You have no idea what I experience at my local pet store. I have bought fish I didn't want to keep them out of the hands of a screaming 4 year old kid. Right now, I have a 7" Convict Cichlid that I bought 3 years ago for that reason. Don't ever critisize me or call what I say b/s. I may have to take a picture of my animal room just to get you to stop using the term "b/s". As of now, I have a Ball Python that I nursed back from bad health and a horrific mite problem (had him 5 years), an Albino Leopard gecko that a kid dropped in the pet store (I bought it so the kid would not), two Cichlid tanks as well as a Tetra tank, and a reef tank. Oh and I almost forgot the two cats i rescued from uthinization. So, what were you saying about b/s again? I think you assumed I was creating a false alliby for myself as well as my assumed ignorance about animals and what they need. I hope you have seen that I have not bought the Tang yet, and I am not planning on getting one. This thread has made me angry because of people that have to rub in thier book taught knowledge. Like I said, if I noticed any sign of distress in the tang after a few months, it would be transported to a 180 gallon
reef tank. Even if the poor soul had to live in my 55g for a year, it would be better off than in the hands of a child. PLEASE, tell me what part of that philosophy is "b/s"?
I am done.


Active Member
you pretty much just helped me prove my point. you talk about how you care for animals and what not, but your going to be ignorant and do what you want.
theres a BIG difference between trying to help and actually helping.


just my opinion that depending on the size of the tang that it can live comfortably in a 55gal for a while. I see the problem coming in when people buy a 6-7in tang for a 55gal or smaller. but I see no problem with a 2-4in tang in a 55gal just when it gets to a certain size be prepared to take it out.


Active Member
Dude. Your just going to buy a fish knowing that its not going to work out and have the excuse of giving it to your friends 180. Why dont you juts let him buy it. Instead of letting it get a disease and then decide to give him away.


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Dude. Your just going to buy a fish knowing that its not going to work out and have the excuse of giving it to your friends 180. Why dont you juts let him buy it. Instead of letting it get a disease and then decide to give him away.

I almost want to go get a Tang just to prove you two knuckleheads wrong. If I get a baby tang, the ratio of the tang to the tank will be 2" to 48". Now, if you apply that same ratio to a 6" long Tang you get a 144" tank, which is 12' long. If the tang gets up to 4" long by the time I give it to my friend, it will still have the equivelent of a 125g tank to swim around. You have to take things into perspective with juvenile fish. Same thing for a potted plant. when you plant the seed, it is not in a 2' diameter pot, it is in a small pot. When it grows, you repot it. I can't understand why you guys can't understand what I am trying to say. It's not like I would buy a fish that was 1/8 the size of my tank, that is plain common sense.


Active Member
Last I checked fish grow. And the equivelent to A Baby elephant and a shed may be the same as the wild but its still to small.
This thread has no purpose mods please close it as the question has been answererd.


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Last I checked fish grow. And the equivelent to A Baby elephant and a shed may be the same as the wild but its still to small.
This thread has no purpose mods please close it as the question has been answererd.

what you said made no sense. What I said makes perfect sense, but you are too far into this pointlss argument to admit it. I am done here.