Yellow Tang in a 55Gal/Reef


I was told in another Forum that it would be OK to have a Yellow Tang in a 55 gallon Reef Aquarium. Is this correct? There will ony be 1 or 2 other fish in there with the Tang plus the Cleanup Crew. Any Negative Thoughts?


Active Member
IMHO, bad idea, it will out grow that tank in time, and they grow pretty fast, i simply wouldn't do it.. for tangs you should try to keep a minimum of a 75 gal tank


Active Member

Originally posted by Fishman830
IMHO, bad idea, it will out grow that tank in time, and they grow pretty fast, i simply wouldn't do it.. for tangs you should try to keep a minimum of a 75 gal tank

I agree. To clarify for anyone new to the hobby, certain tangs (like the yellow) a minimum of a 75 is required, but there are many other tangs that require larger tanks.
Not meant to step on your toes Fishman, I just thought that might get mis-read... you know how some people get tang happy..:eek:


Go for it, I have a yellow in a 54 corner and a purple in a 72 bow front for the last two years and they are just fine, make sure that they have plenty of hiding areas