I was told in another Forum that it would be OK to have a Yellow Tang in a 55 gallon Reef Aquarium. Is this correct? There will ony be 1 or 2 other fish in there with the Tang plus the Cleanup Crew. Any Negative Thoughts?
IMHO, bad idea, it will out grow that tank in time, and they grow pretty fast, i simply wouldn't do it.. for tangs you should try to keep a minimum of a 75 gal tank
Originally posted by Fishman830
IMHO, bad idea, it will out grow that tank in time, and they grow pretty fast, i simply wouldn't do it.. for tangs you should try to keep a minimum of a 75 gal tank
I agree. To clarify for anyone new to the hobby, certain tangs (like the yellow) a minimum of a 75 is required, but there are many other tangs that require larger tanks.
Not meant to step on your toes Fishman, I just thought that might get mis-read... you know how some people get tang happy..
Go for it, I have a yellow in a 54 corner and a purple in a 72 bow front for the last two years and they are just fine, make sure that they have plenty of hiding areas