yellow tang in a 75


Active Member
I've got a 75g reef running now, and I'd like to add a yellow tang. I've always liked them, and tang would be very beneficial to my system. I've done some reading and I understand that they get fairly large. So my questions is this: if I were to buy a juvi yellow tang (approx 2"), about how long would it take for him to outgrow my 75? I'm in the process of setting up a 125 that he would eventually be moved to, but it probably won't be ready for him for a good 6 months or so.
Hi ..... Fishymissy has a yellow tang in her 75g and is doing fantastic! I don't see a problem with you adding a juvi tang! But, then, who am I to say when I have 3 juvi tangs in my 125? <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />


Member tank is a 90g (don't worry TiggerBengal, easy mistake to make), BUT, the tang was in a 40g for about 5 months, so I don't see you having any problems Jacksonpt.
Good luck!


Active Member
as long as you are not overstocked, i don't see any probs with putting a yellow iin a 75, until whenever, a 75 is a good size for one, even if you don't get the 125