yellow tang info needed please


Active Member
hey all, well i got my 1st tang on thursday and he seems to be doin ok. my fish in the tank didn't harass the new tenant too much yeah, from what i have researched on them it seems that they are big eaters, i put in mysis shrimp and that just did not seem to impress him to much, so i got those algae wafers and he nibbled a little bit on them, but i do see him picking at the lr fairly regularly, should i be worried? it seems that nori sseems to be popular but here in west texas i can't find it. what do all you tang owners feed yours? thanx too all that reply tobin :happyfish

mandarin w

Not all tang enjoy nori, or other things, My sailfin wont touch it, I've trying it all, He just snubs it all. Give him a few days to settle in. But I need to ask, Did you put him in Quarentine for a few weeks. Alot of times espeacialy with tangs, they will look fine when you get them, but after a few days, they are sick with ick. By that time it is too late, you have exposed all the fish in your tank to ick. It is a big headache to deal with. And you may loose a lot of fish.
As far as eating, give him a few days to deal with the new enviroment and get hungry enough, he should eat then.


Active Member
no my qt got a crack in it when i moved so all i could do was a very slow drip acclimation 6 hours of it but i do check him several times each day and if i have too i will take him too my friends house for treatment but in my opinion he is doing very well i just thought they were bigger eaters he likes his new tank 150 gal. he loves to swim the whole tank and before i picked him up i redid all the lr so the other room mates would not have any territory disputes and my tomatoe clown fish got a new best friend immediately they swim all over the place together so in the tank now i have 1 tomatoe clown, 1 royal gramma, 1 yellow tang, 1 golden head gobie, 1 lawnmower blennie, 1 blue devil damsel, 4 green chromis, 1 blue tuxedo urchin, 4 peppermint shrimp, 2 blue-leg hermit crabs, and a few turbo snails. and i still want to add 1 blue hippo tang and 1 flame angel, then i want to add about 15 different types of shrimp,(5 fire shrimp, 2 sexy shrimp, 3 camel shrimp, and 5 cleaner shrimp) then start on corals. does all that sound like they would all get along and work well together? sorry to get off the thread abit