Yellow Tang Info


well guess what is my with birthdays come birthday money.....and i believe i would like to purchase a yellow tang for my new tank i got for Christmas....its been up and running for almost 2 months problem...its got a tomato and some damsels in there doing anywaz...i have got 20lbs of live that enought live rock for him? what else do i need to know if i am going to purchase one tommorow?thanks for the help!:happyfish


A 29gal. is way to small for a Yellow Tang. They are swimmers and darters. It would be like being a track star and having to go to jail. You would survive, but......


oh i know! haha...its not going in the 29 gallon.....sorry i need to update my profile and i should have specified earlier...its going in a 55 gallon


Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Microman & GoOtz, Happy birthday to you. Ah to be 17 again, I wouldn't want to do it. Once was enough. Hope you both had a great day.


Active Member
I just wanna let you know that they are pretty territorial and I would wait to get that in your tank. Buy all of your passive fish first, and then get that guy.
BTW, happy birthday!


I saw that you said that you had damsels and a clown in the 55 - I have small yellow in my 55 - but have about 50lbs of live rock and another 10lbs of rubble on the bottom.
The tang has been doing great - no problems with the other fish (all damsels) - either direction.
The thing is - before the tang police jump in - that the yellow tang will grow to at least 8". It is one of the smaller tangs - but will still need room to swim. Which is why I now have the 125 coming up to speed.
The tangs are very attractive - but if a 55 is what you have - stick with fish that will be able to live their lives comfortably in that space. A Yellow Tang will not be able to do this.


how fast do tangs grow? i was thinking about getting a small one at the lfs....about 2".....i just wonder how fast they grow b/c i have never seen a yellow tang bigger than maybe 4"....and if it would take it a couple of years to get that big.....i might just get it.....and upgrade or trade him in at the lfs for something else...but if they are fast growers....obviusly i would not want to do that...:confused:


Active Member
They will grow about 90% of their full size in the first 10% of their lifespan, so will be almost full size in about 5 years but will be too big for your 55 in a year...A kole tang would be far happier in your tank as they do not require the vast swimming room that other varietys need.


Go ahead and get a tang... if he becomes territorial... who cares.. he will now be your new favorate fish...tangs do not grow too fast .. but with that size tank- i would buy smaller fish in the future after that beauty of a tang is in there....enjoy--happy bday


Oh yea a yellow tang is not a huge tang at all---in fact one of the smaller ones and also 1 of the hardiest. Truthfully if i were to reccomend any tang for your tank--- it would be a it rarley exceeds 7 in in captivity. Say to yourself .. why sacrifice a way more beautiful tang for an extra inch or 2 of fish space