Yellow Tang is FAT as HELL - pregnant?


New Member
Just curious, my yellow tang is looking more like a balloon now. It's belly is so round on both sides it seems like its weighing it down. The stomach hasn't gotten any smaller nor bigger..seems like its at its max size. It doesn't seem sick and is eating regularly and swimming freely like nothing is wrong. I feed him, pellets, brine, mysis, and krill..oh and not to mention, he eats my live plants that i buy from the fish store.
Are these fish livebearers? Can it be pregnant? I even seperated it from the others so my lion fish won't eat its young if it "is" pregnant and gives birth.


New Member

Originally posted by viet-tin
are there scales popping out the sides?

No scales are popping out. Poor water?? I tested the water and it's all normal. It's been this FAT for a week or so w/no signs of deterioration of the health of the fish


New Member

Originally posted by Badkharma
Is there another yellow tang to mate with in the tank?

No there isn't..that's why I'm still curious. Did I buy this tang while she was pregnant? I had it for almost 4-5 months now. The other fish I have in there is..
Blue Hippo Tang
Flame Angel
2 Clowns
Mandarin Goby
Fu Manchu Lion
Dwark Lion
Heionitchus?! (spelling) Butterfly fish


:happyfish I don't believe they're livebearers, I think they spawn. She will just release the eggs somewhere and they will be eaten if there is no other yellow tang to spawn with her. Am I correct guys? Any other opinions? ali



Originally posted by alison
:happyfish I don't believe they're livebearers, I think they spawn. She will just release the eggs somewhere and they will be eaten if there is no other yellow tang to spawn with her. Am I correct guys? Any other opinions? ali

Sounds right to me. Most fish do this. :)


New Member
OH help..
Now TODAY out of the couple weeks its been can't swim any longer. It's lying against a tree to support it and breathing fast. What's going it going to explode soon?!?! I haven't seen it pooped.


New Member
Scales look fine...just lying on its side...breathing fast...FAT stomach. Doesn't seem like it's pooed. What can I do to cure it QUICK


any pics would be helpful...
with dropsy, the earlier part of it, the scales may not be affected... i've seen my bros' tang get bloated, then the fins melt away showing just the bone, internal bleeding could be seen through the skin.. horrible site.. if you could provide a pic some how we might better id it..:)
if it is dropsy, they need some anitbacterial medication...