Yellow Tang is not eating, please HELP


I just bought my first fish and I'm having prblem getting him to eat, what am I doing wrong? I fed him frozen Brine shrimp and also left a piece of Nori but he doesn't seem to be interested in it. He's been in my tank for 3 days now and I'm afraid he is going to starve to death. Your input is greatly appreciated.
55 GL Tank
30 lbs Live Rocks
1 Blenny Scooter
3 Feather Duster
1 Mauroon Clown
1 Yellow Tang
2 Peppermint Shrimps


Active Member
Going three days is not that terribly unusual but he should be eating soon. Try using a rubber band and attaching some nori to a small piece of rock. That way he can graze more natural than pulling off a clip. Also, soaking your brine in a little garlic extract may trigger an eating response.
Good Luck!


Active Member
Your post says you just bought your FIRST fish...yet your signature says you have a scooter blenny, maroon clown and yellow tang....
Did you add all of this fish to your 55 at the same time as 3 first fish? If so, you are asking for trouble if that is a new tank.
As for the yellow tang not eating, it is likely just stress from being moved to another tank. They are usually a very hardy fish IME and I wouldn't worry about him just yet...what I would worry about is if you added them all at once in a newly setup tank.


Sorry guys, I'm new at this lol. What I meant was my first TANG in the tank. I've had the others for 2 weeks now and my tank is over a month old.
Thanks for the quick responses. BTW, how many fish can I have in a 55 gallon tank?


Active Member
That's ok, welcome to the board and hobby. I'm assuming your tank had cycled fully when you added your first 2 fish a couple of weeks ago. Although, cycling in 2-3 weeks would be quick unless you had quite a bit of cured/aged live rock.
Keep a close eye on your levels, ammonia, nitrite, ph, salinity while your tank is so new. You may have added your tang a bit early. While some say you can even cycle with a YT, it's best to add them to a tank that's been up a good 3-6 months.
As for how many fish in a 55. Depends on the type of fish, your filtration, amount of LR. Give us more details. And just a suggestion, slow down a bit.


New Member
I'm having the same problem with my Powder Blue (med size),
I cant get him to eat - got him last thursday. By the way I'm new to the board and the hobby.
my tank is 55 gal - I had a blu hipo already , couple of damsels , tank is about 3 months old -
salinity 1.024, ph -8.2, nit-0, amon-0
added him in with a red sea desjardin and the Powder Blue is so healthy looking and swimming good but not eating , I tried the lettuce on the rock - still not eating - about the 4th day
the 3rd day looks like ick showing up. I have been trying Brin shrimp and seaweed and tried the lettuce just now.


Active Member
ttran1999 - I agree with jumpfrog about slowing down a bit....other then that, I hope you get your tang eating! :)


Active Member
I wouldn't add any more fish for a while and when you do, one small one only. You're just about at capacity when condisering adult sizes of fish you have. Keep up the Nori on a lettuce clip and he should come around. Also try some spectrum pellets. They seem to love the stuff. Live brine soaked in selcon and garli extract is also an idea. good luck.