Yellow tang last?


If having a reef tank with peaceful fish, does the yellow tang have to go in last? Does it matter if buying the tang small? Tank currently has two perc clowns, one who is under 1". Not sure what else would go in besides the tang, but not anything more than a fish or two. If I buy the tang now and decide to add say a clown goby later am I just asking for trouble? TIA


Active Member
I don't know about others experince but in my tank I added a perc clown, sixline wrasse, yellow head jawfish, and a Fridmani (dottyback) all after the tang had been in there a while and I have not had any problems. I think you get most problems when you try to add another tang.


Active Member
Hi guys,
No the Yellow Tang on its own without other tangs in generally IMO a very placid creature. Ive never had any problems, at one stage I had a regal and a yellow tang without a problem, and it was a big tang.
You should be fine with this one.


I disagree with the previous two posts. I know they are both referring to their expierance and have not had any problems.
Yellow tangs tend to be very territoral (wrong spell) with any thing it feels will compete with it. Such as for food, home, or if new fish invade his space.
IMO with many years of working in a LFS, the yellow tang should be added last in pretty much all cases. The exception to this is if you are adding a school of them, 5 or more. Then they tend to be quite dosal and even timid in the group.
There are always exceptions to what I have posted and I am sure that some will disagree. I am speeking IMO and believe that it is more accurate than the other listings.
Also, by adding it and all typically aggressive and territoral fish last, you tend to have more of a community tank without a bully