Yellow Tang loosing its color


Our yellow tang seems to be turning a very pale yellow. What can we feed him to get that bright yellow color back? My husband just bought Vibragrow will that help?


is it just at night, or all the time,,if it is at night,,,they turn that color it seems when they get tired,,,or stressed I guess,,,I feed my algae paper,,or sheets,,I hang it under my magna float, and he pulls it from he eating any meat at all?


Currently we are feeding him pellet food in the mornings. And at night we feed them frozen food which consists of vegetable cubes, brine shrimp cubes or blood worm cubes. Would any pet store have the algae paper?


Active Member
Oh dear Veronica,
You HAVE to feed it some dried seeweed or something green. This is the core part of its diet, and every Tang. The bloodworm etc is almost incidental. Its key din-dins should be sea veggies, as it is a grazer.
I imagine time is of the essence here, its clearly not getting a balanced diet.
Trying not be patronising as a year ago i was in similar position, but a tang is a very sensitive and difficult fish to keep with the diet being essential to its success in the home aquarium.
Best of luck,


a yellow tang is certainly too big for a 30 gallon tank even if he were in it alone. I would not suggest putting him in a tank less than 75 gallons although 50 is the smallest size suggested. They need a lot of room to swim around and they do get quite large in size. The only way I would ever put one in a 30 gallon tank is if he were very small and I was planning on moving him to a much larger tank.