Yellow Tang Needs Help Please


Something is wrong with my yellow tang. His little mouth appears to be stuck open. He has lost wieght, he's not as active as usual, and his once healing hlle, is now apparent again. The water tests fine, the other fish are all fine. There have been no new additions, nothing out of the ordinary. His diet consists of homemade meaty food, with zoe and zoecon, and nori. I don't know what it is, or what do to to help him. I've had him for almost 3 years, and he's always been fat and happy. Please, any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you


I've seen cichlids get their jaw stuck and someone here once got a puffer with it's jaw stuck. Believe it or not, as a last resort, you will need to capture the fish and GENTLY massage the sides of the jaw. This should unlock it. I know that sounds nuts but I personally had to do it to a black calvus (a brackish fish from Africa) and have heard of others that had to do that.


Oh my gosh. Do you know how their jaw gets stuck in the first place? I don't want this to happen to him or anyone else again. I will do what I can to help him. I'm thinking, catch him and place him in another container, and with rubber gloves try to massage him. Does this sound about right, or do you suggest another method, or means to make it easier on him? Thank you so much for the help.


Like I said, only do this as a last resort. The jaw may go back on it's own. If you do try it, capture the fish put a little Stress coat on your hands and GENTLY massage the sides of the jaw. Sometimes a little nudge is all that is needed.
Also, post your problem in the diease forum.
Good luck!


From what I have read the biggest cause of HLLE is bad diet. I keep my tang and flame angel on a strict veggie diet. I use prime reef flakes. Julian sprung veggies and a occasional algae sheet. . Once in a while i throw some brine in there not for nutrition but they eat it. The tang and angel are both plump and happy....


His diet is not strictly meat. There is seaweed and carrot juice in the frozen mixture, along with their daily sheet in the tank. He had shown alot of improvement, almost to the point where it was no longer apparent. He was very plump. What would onset this again? Are you saying his mouth is an effect from hlle? Wouldn't the blue tang be affected too? I don't what else to do, or add to help him. Conditions are good, diet is good, and tank is grounded.:confused:


I don't think so either. Since he is always right there whenever I am doing something in the tank, I thought that I would have no trouble getting hold of him. I was incorrect. I don't like to stress out everyone, so for the moment, I put in a small amount of sress coat and turned off the skimmer for a bit. I don't know if this will help at all. If anyone has any further help, that would be great. I tried searching the net, but have not been able to come up with much. Thank you


Um.... unless you have a special touch.
Grabbing a large yellow tang and massaging its sides will lead to large blood loss and many stitches! Unless you have needle safe kevlar gloves!


Ok, that sounded brutal. If he had fallen for my 'plan', my intentions were to gently massage his mouth. However, I'm not going to try to get him again, he is already not well, and I do not want to add onto that. I do not want to lose him. He does not look as though he is about to go, I would like to help him before this goes to far.



Originally posted by waterfaller1
..Maybe if you post this in the disease and treatment forum..Beth or Terry can help.

I'll repeat that suggestion.