yellow tang needs help



it has 2 white lines going down on both sides of its body. these white lines are about 1/4 inch in width and about 1 inch in lenght. does any body have any ideas?


Active Member
Here is a picture of my yellow tang.
Does this show the white line you are talking about? It is a normal part of the tang's coloration and will be more noticable at different times of day.


thank you i wanted to make sure that there was nothing wrong


Staff member
Hey, elfdoc, was wondering what happened to you as I hadn't seen you for awhile. Good to see you. That is a really nice tang.


Active Member
Beth, I've gotten hooked on the game Astrowars with several other people from these boards (with the Galactic Alliance of the NEMOs!).
Because of this, I only have had time to check in occasionally. The next round will start soon.
Thanks for the compliment about the fish. I got the tang from It has really plumped up and grown since I got it.


Staff member
Glad to see you! That sammy took you away from the Disease Forum with space adventures.....:nope:
Well, I'm getting comcast broadband soon, so I may just join you all in Space! :D


Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
Glad to see you! That sammy took you away from the Disease Forum with space adventures.....:nope:
Well, I'm getting comcast broadband soon, so I may just join you all in Space! :D

We would be happy to have you join in!
Sammy Stingray has a different username in Astrowars - JohnnyWrath. He was in a different section of the last game than I was.
The next beta starts in 10 days. I'd recommend trying to log in now so that you can start the next beta with everyone else.


Staff member
Tom, wasn't your situation resolved? I thought that with the tang pic here that we decided that the stripe was normal. :confused:


Speaking of white lines, I have a 3 inch yellow tang that has developed white lines on eack side of its body that run from the top of his head, jus behind the gills, to his front fins. It started at the top of his head and I thought that he may have been trying to go through too small of openings in the rocks because it looked a little raw. He eats fine and does not appear to be affected. I am trying to get a good picture. Any ideas???

bang guy

Nobody noticed that Tom is keeping a Zebrasoma sp. in a 29 gallon tank? We should at least mention that he should expect serious problems in the future.