Yellow Tang not eating seaweed.



My yellow tang does not eat seaweed selects anymore for some odd reason. I even bought him some Julian Sprung's Sea Veggies and nori; and nothing. He was eating them (seaweed selects till about 2 weeks ago like made ). Now nothing.
I do feed these various foods: Frozen Cyclop-Eeze Bar, MarinePlankton, formula one, Prime Reef, planton, brine shrimp, Mysis Shrimp and Daphnia. All get Zoecon and/or Vita-Chem. He does eat these foods.
Is this guy ok? He seems to be doing fine and no one is picking on him. He DOES seem to be eating on the LR a lot…
Any help????


Active Member
As long as the fish is eating, you should be fine. Tangs will eat a good variety of foods, and while greens are important, keeping the fish fed is more so. Often times, fish can lose their taste for a particular food. In many cases, after awhile, they resume eating it. Keep providing greens in the diet but let it eat what ever you're offering.


Active Member
when i had mine he never even caome close to eating it...until i put another tang in there and he did then the yellow started...not sure if it is captive bred maybe they don't know how.....????? just thought i'd pass it along,i sure don't know