yellow tang not eating


Ok so I got my shippment thurs from 2 perc clowns, one cream angel one engineer gobby and one yellow tang, the tang is extremely small, about 1", I wasnt to pleased about that, and of all the fish he is the only one who isnt eating.. he seems shy, and he is very skinny (this may jusrt be due to how small he is) anyway, Im worried he is going to starve, I have algea sheets, frozen algea formula, mysis shrimp and angel 1 food... wont eat any.. he does follow the angel around a lot.. any suggestions (And i hope its not just ohh try this food) I dont think he wants to eat... am I worrying to much?????

darth tang

Active Member
Give him some time....he may just be getting used to his surroundings. I had a fish go a week till he started feeding after I first got him. Each day place an algae sheet on a clip very visably and let it sit there a while (over an hour). This will probably be the first thing to entice him to eat. But don't worry yet. As long as he looks healthy he should be fine.


thanks, to me he looks healthy... but he is soo tiny that its hard to even tell of a bulge or anything in his stomach... and also, let it be know I have sent 3 emails to inquiring about my order... and no reply


that's no good getting no reply. I do not have tangs, but had a hard time getting my heniouchus to eat. Wouldn't eat anything but seaweed soaked in garlic guard. Eventually it accepted everything else. Have you tried Seachem's Garlic Guard?


Nope, use Garlice Xtreme.. havent tried soakin the seaweed in it tho.. He does nibble at the LR, but he just wont eat anything else, im just worried he will starv


Active Member
If he is picking at the live rock, I would not worry about him. That is how my kole tang was when I got him, and eventually started eating food after a while. Now, my kole eats krill, formula 1, nori, and frozen kelp.


I agree. If he is picking at the LR I wouldn't worry. My yellow tang did not eat for about 5 days, then he started picking at the rock. I put in Nori sheets and everything... still wouldn't touch them. I got formula one pellets with Garlic and that's when he started eating regularly. He also stopped being shy around that time too. Try to be patient and maybe try the formula one pellets with garlic. Good luck!


Sounds good to me..thanks guys.. when the lights are out but the lights in the room are on so its not completly black in the tank, he seems to swim around a little more, not as scared.. its so funny how he follows the cream angel around like a mother